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Editing Services

Finding the Story Seeds Planted Throughout Your Narrative


Cultivating the Story Elements Already Growing Strong

Rates and Costs

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Developmental Editing


Developmental Editing Rate: 0.02 CPW

0.02 Cents per word

Example: 75K novel=1,200 dollars

This package includes: 

- Full editorial report

(15-25 pages for full-length novel)

- In-Line Edits, suggestions, and questions

- Up to three 1 hour video/phone consultations 



Story Consultation

and Analysis: 200

Essentially a Critical Beta Read, I will read your story and provide detailed feedback on what worked for the novel and what I feel could be improved. 

Stipulation: 200$ price is for manuscripts of 75K and under. Longer work will be negotiated.  


Story Coaching: 50$ Per Hour

Story coaching requires a purchase of the story consultation package

This stipulation helps pay for my reading and analysis of the story and makes sure Each additional hour-long meeting we conduct after my reading will provide ample opportunity to communicate, brainstorm, and elevate that story to the next level. 

The great thing is: After my initial reading, you can get as many of these coaching sessions as you need until the completion of your book for only fifty dollars per meeting



Collaborative Publishing

We pay $25 US per story

 Regardless of length, reprint status, or anything else. 


Why $25? 

Selling a short story for $25 is the minimum requirement for joining the Horror Writers Association as an Affiliate Member. This is something every horror writer should be able to do, and we want to help make that achievable.


So, where's the Collaboration? 

Aside from payment for your story, placement in our anthologies also includes a complimentary story coaching package. We're putting our names on your story and therefore, we want it to be the best it can be. We'll meet and collaborate through the entire editing process. In that way, we are much more involved than many other publishers. 


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